Sunday, January 29, 2006

I am back safely

It was exciting to drive to church. I am just thankful to God. The road traffic was good that it was not difficult for me to drive at all. It felt so good being able to drive to church. Many people were surprised that I drove to church. They told me to be careful. I will be careful. I have not drove at night due to my vision. So if anyone wants to eat with me and you don't want to pick me up. Then, we need to meet for lunch. I feel like a high school student who drove for the first time.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I am looking forward to church

I am looking forward to church tomorrow. The reason is because it will be my first time driving to church since 11/10, 2004. Even though I am seeing from only my left eye, I could still drive. I drove to Koreatown and went to markets with my mom. I am praying a lot while in the car. God must be answering my prayers because there was no traffic on 60 freeway from LA. Usually the traffic is bad on 60. God made it smooth for me to drive. Thank you God. So, I know everything will be fine tomorrow. I will write about my experience to church after I come back. Please do pray for me.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Strabismus surgery

This is the medical term for what I need to do with my eye. My friend suggested that I get the surgery. Please pray for me. I am not afraid to do the surgery, but I am praying that I will get better before that. The surgery date is set for 2/21 at UCLA. This surgery is moving my muscle to put my eye ball in the center. This will hopefully correct my double vision. If it does not then I need to put contact lense with black in the center to prevent from seeing with my right eye. Pray that I will not lose heart for God. One more thing is that I started to take medicine instead of the insulin shot. I took one this morning. I pray that I will not get allergic reaction to this medicine.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Please pray for my right eye

I talked to the eye doctor at UCLA today. He said that my only option is to have surgery. I am scheduled to have surgery on 2/21. But, I am praying that it will get better before that. I am also seeing a friend who is an eye doctor tomorrow. He wants to see if this double vision can be corrected with glasses. I am reading few books these days and God knows how to encourage me. I am not doubtful that God will heal me. Please continue to pray for me. Thank you again for your faithful prayers.

Friday, January 20, 2006

I cut both my finger and toe nails

Usually my mom cuts my nails. It has been over a year since I cut my own nails. I thank God for my daily improvements. I heard that if you are not physically healthy, then your nails will not grow. I know I am getting more healthy necause my nails are growing just fine. My right eye is still closed but I know that God will heal it in His time. Smile for Jesus today.

Thursday, January 19, 2006


In life there are few things to wait for. The important thing is what am I doing while waiting. I realize this while waiting to get better. I need to be actively doing something with my body to get better. I could wish all I want but I need to make effort. I can not just wait, but do more. What are somethings you are waiting for? Are you active in your wait?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Just some thoughts

I was able to relax at home today. Not to surprise anyone, but this is what I normally do. These days I am home a lot. Especially, today remembering Martin Luther King Jr. He did so much to bring equality to all people. Jesus, as well, did so much and even died on the cross for our sins. We could have a place in heaven because of what He has done. Thank you Jesus.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Intercessory prayer

Today was my first day to lead at the Intercessory Prayer for 2nd Generation. I thank God for the new ministry He has given me. There are many faithful parents praying for our education department. I am excited to see how God is going to use that group to bring His glory. Please let me know things I can pray for. If it is too personal to share in this blogspot, then email it to me at Thank you again for all your prayers. By the way, I ate KFC hot wings and they were finger licking good.

Friday, January 13, 2006

I want to do this...

There are so many things I want to do. First, I want to drive and go some where. I love driving, especially while listening to good music. Second, I want to go eat anything I want. Finally, I want to be better soon. Even as I write this I remember last year. I was lying on bed not knowing what will happen to me. I need God's patience. I know I will get better soon. By the way, who wants to go driving and eating with me? It is my treat. Most likely, it will be some place where they have chicken.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

What is death?

Last night I went to a viewing service. One deacon from LACPC passed away on 1/5. He went to early morning prayer and was at work when he passed away. I saw lots of people I have not seen for a long time. During the service, I was thinking why did you let me live? Then, I realized there are still things I needed to do. My time here on earth is not done. I want to encourage everyone today, do your best to God. Smile for Jesus. Have a great day in the Lord.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

I had a great time in the Lord at Michigan

Thanks to all your prayers, I had a great time at Michigan. The retreat went well. I was expecting snow but God was very gracious to me for no snow. It would have been very difficult for me to walk with snow or ice on the ground. It's hard to see with one eye and I still have trouble with my coordination. God knew that and did not send snow. I thank God for it. I told everyone that there will be lots of snow after I leave. I miss seeing them already. I thank Peter JDSN and his family for being so hospitable. I felt so loved by them. I thank God for the opportunity.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hahn In CRC - Youth Retreat

I will be speaking at Hahn In CRC (Michigan) youth reteat. I am leaving on 1/5 and coming back on 1/9. The retreat is from 1/6-8. I will speak 4xs at the retreat and once at church to the college group. The retreat theme is "Fix Your Eyes on Christ". Pray that I will be used by God. I am very excited to see what God will do. Happy New Year again.