Thursday, April 27, 2006

North Korea Mission

Today, I went to Global Mission Church for Unification Mission School. This school is about training men and women to better understand North Korea. At first, I went because the pastor told me to come. But, I do believe God led me there. It was time for me to examine my heart. Lord willing I will go to North Korea. I pray for the people in North Korea and I want to learn as much as possible through this school. Every Thursday I will go to learn and train myself. Thank you God for safety.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I met some older "hyungs" from Biola

Today, I had lunch with two "hyungs" from Biola. One is an education pastor for Light of Love Church and the other is a missionary to China. We talked about the past and our current ministries. It has been a while since I saw them but the bond was still strong. They continue to pray for me. Also, I went for my eye check up yesterday. I am still seeing double with images in X shape. So, I am getting another surgery on 5/16 to correct this phenomenon. Please continue to pray for me. I am driving more but I need to be more careful due to the high gas prices. I am considering to change my car. If you have any suggestions for a good gas efficient car, then let me know.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Another SJS patient

Today, I visited this girl who is in the hospital with SJS. When I saw her it reminded of my situation. Thankfully, the doctors did everything right that she will be discharged tomorrow. Please pray for her because she is not a christian. Her name is Juliet. She will need lots of prayers. Thanks again for all your prayers. I do believe that God used me for such a time like this.

Friday, April 21, 2006

I saw lots of people today

Today, I had lunch with an old friend from LACPC. He sang a special song at the ordination service. He works at a bank and he bought me lunch. He told me to come by anytime. I will defintely take up on his offer. Also, I visited Global Mission Church. I saw few of the pastors and some of my old students. It was good seeing them. I even shot some balls in the gym. It has been a while since I played basketball there. The depth perception was not fully there. However, I was able to make some shots. I am thankful to God for allowing me to know these people. Even though I need to go through few more obstacles in my life. God put right people and His timing is perfect for me to be strengthened to go on. Thank you God for who you are and what you do in your time.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I finished the book

I think this was longest Korean book I've ever read. It has 466 pages. Even though it was a long book, I enjoyed it a lot. The content itself was sad and angry towards some people. But the result of what God is doing at North Korea is exciting. The Christians inside the prison believing in God no matter the situation. Some even want to die to be with God instead of suffering in prison. There are many Christians who were sent to prison just because they believe in God and not their leaders. What would happen if that occurred here in USA? This book made me pray for North Koreans to know God and have eternal life through Jesus Christ. I am still praying for God's will to be done in my life regarding ministry in North Korea.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

Jesus died on the cross for our sins on this day about 2 thousand years ago. All I can say is thank you for the cross. These days I am reading a book by a North Korean who is living at South Korea. She was imprisoned for wrong reasons. This book is about her life in the prison. I am reading this book and I am reminded of how God uses unusual situation for His glory. The power of the cross is similar. Enjoy the favor God has shown to us by dying on the cross for our sins. I am excited to be part of what God is doing. I will share more from the book later. Thank you for all your prayers.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I had lunch with an LACPC friend

Today, I had lunch with Susie Joo. It's been almost 2 years since I last saw her. She went to the University of the Nations in Hawaii and afterwards lived in Korea. It was good seeing her again. I realize that there are people whom I don't even know that are praying for me. I believe that as long as you are alive God has a plan for you. I thank God especially as we celebrate Resurrection Day. We will live forever because of what Jesus has done. Thank you again for all your prayers.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I saw a deacon today

Today, I had lunch with a deacon from LACPC. He recently opened a wholesale guys clothes in downtown LA. I went to pray for the store and to see him. The clothes were my style. I believe I will go there often. We talked a lot about all kinds of stuff. I thank God for allowing me to know people like him. There are so many people God has allowed me to know that have been big encouragement to me. There are too many names that I can not write every one of them. I know who they are but importantly God knows them as well. Thank you for all your prayers.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Raining again

I love rain. Especially when I drive. At least that's what I used to think. We've been having lots of rain these days. Before, I love the sound of rain drops on my car. Now, I get worried when rain drops on my car. I try not to drive when it is raining but when I am already out and it starts raining. I pray a lot for safety. God is gracious and brings me home safe. Please drive safely and be careful of those drivers who drive with one eye opened.