Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I finished the book

I think this was longest Korean book I've ever read. It has 466 pages. Even though it was a long book, I enjoyed it a lot. The content itself was sad and angry towards some people. But the result of what God is doing at North Korea is exciting. The Christians inside the prison believing in God no matter the situation. Some even want to die to be with God instead of suffering in prison. There are many Christians who were sent to prison just because they believe in God and not their leaders. What would happen if that occurred here in USA? This book made me pray for North Koreans to know God and have eternal life through Jesus Christ. I am still praying for God's will to be done in my life regarding ministry in North Korea.


At 6:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Keith...
This is Irene. Remember me? Of course you do! :)

Gosh~ You know how many entries I went through on Sandy's xanga to find the link to your blog?

How've you been?

It's been ages since we've talked. Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to get together with you.

I'd like to talk to you about something. A co-worker of mine was recently admitted to a local hospital. Today, the doctor told her that they believe it is "Stevens Johnsons Syndrome."

I know that you can be a great encouragement to her, as she is starting to lose hope. Also, I came to you because I'd like for her to FINALLY be able to find faith in GOD.

If you can spare some time and visit her with me, it'd really mean a lot.

I'd love to see you too, stranger! Give me a call: 323-691-4082

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keith, thank you for sharing what you've read. I hear a lot of buzz these days about North Korea and taking the gospel there. Having said that, you read a book in Korean that lasted 466 pages??? Wow.


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