Monday, April 10, 2006

I had lunch with an LACPC friend

Today, I had lunch with Susie Joo. It's been almost 2 years since I last saw her. She went to the University of the Nations in Hawaii and afterwards lived in Korea. It was good seeing her again. I realize that there are people whom I don't even know that are praying for me. I believe that as long as you are alive God has a plan for you. I thank God especially as we celebrate Resurrection Day. We will live forever because of what Jesus has done. Thank you again for all your prayers.


At 11:28 AM, Blogger ManofGod said...

Hey, Keith how is everything? You know what I have seen Susie Joo, I don't even know how long? Oh! do you have Paul S. Kim info. as well.
If you do just let Stanley know, I'll get it from him.


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