Wednesday, October 31, 2007

October 31

Let's pray for today. There will be many people dressed up in costumes (not glorifying God) asking for candies. I pray that tonight's news will not be tragic. This day should not be allowed to worship Satan and his demons. But rather may the Name of God be lifted up. Be safe today and let's pray that God will be glorified today.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

God is good

Tonight, I had dinner with some people whom I have seen for several weeks at CMF. CMF stands for Christian Marriage and Family. My mom signed me to go to find a girl. At first I was very reluctant to attend. But I learned so much about being a husband God wants me to be. Also, I was able to meet wonderful people. I don't know what the next step will be but God knows my heart. And He will take care of everything. I patiently wait for God's guidance. I thank God for CMF ministry. And I highly recommend this ministry to anyone who is single and is planning to get married. Have a great week in the Lord.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Just things to ponder

I've been to 3 funerals this month. The ages ranging from less than one to over 80. I thought about how I will end my life. I hope not to die soon. I want to live my life for God's glory. But I want to end my life well. There are still many things I want to do for the Lord. I want to be faithful to Him. I have made few more decisions. But continually pray for me that I will be obedient to Him.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I made one decision

Although I cannot write in details, I did make one decision. Shortly I will write more in details regarding the decisions. Thank you for your prayers. God is really giving me peace regarding the decision. But, there are still few more decisions I need to make so please continue to pray for me.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Want vs. need

These days I am in a dilemma to choose I what I need to do or want to do. Although I cannot specifically tell you in details, please keep me in your prayers. There are many things I want to do but I am not sure if that is what I need to do. There were many times when I did things because I needed to do rather than wanting to do them. Now I am in a reverse situation. I want to do something but I am not sure if that is what I need to do. To make matters more difficult, the need to do is something I need. Please enlighten me with your wisdom people.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lot to think about

Today I went to a funeral of my friend's daughter. She was less than one. There were some complications with her blood. She was one of triplet girls. The other two are doing well but Elyse did not make it. I had mixed emotions being there. This morning my mom woke me up at 5:20AM for me to go to Early Morning Prayer. She came into my room to let me know that she loves me and wants to discipline me. I gave her a hug and she prayed for me. Last night, I could not sleep right away thinking about when I am going to get married. I really want my mom to see her daughter in law. I realized once again how much my mom loves me. I made up a phrase. Kwonsanims would not talk harsh things to pastors. But mom can and will.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Things I need to do

These days, I am struggling with what I need to do. Last week I mentioned about a dilemma. Well it is somewhat different one now. I can not write more in details now but please pray that I will choose wisely. I apologize for not giving detail information. But may the Spirit give you wisdom as you pray for me. Once things are more definite I will inform more. Thank you for your prayers.