feeding tube straight into stomach
Keith was a lot more alert today. He was supposed to be given dexadrine twice, but the nurses only gave it to him once today. However, he was quite alert for a longer period of time. He is laughing and smiling a lot more (without any sounds yet). One of his visitors tested his visual abilities by having him point to different things on a huge poster his youth group kids made him...and yes, he passed the test. He has yet to open his right eye...
Please continue to pray:
-Tomorrow, they will put the feeding tube straight into his stomach. The tube will come out of his nose. Pray that everything will go well.
-Continue to pray for his speech therapy. Pray that he will be awake when the therapist comes. Pray he will continue to exercise his swallowing abilities so that he can gradually start eating solid foods and be weaned from the feeding tube.
-Pray that he will fully wake up - especially for his right eye to open.
-Pray for his future physical therapy so he can get back into shape soon.
-Lastly, diabetes be gone in Jesus' Name!!!
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