Sunday, December 12, 2004

we are encouraging visitors

Dear all - we would like to now REQUEST you come and visit Keith when you get a chance. Since he's responding a lot more and is slowly becoming a bit more interactive, he would be encouraged to see people coming to keep him company. Today, he was actually able to hold the cell phone, listen, then close his flip phone afterwards...his motor skills are getting fine-tuned...

Here's some info if you would like to visit:
-Torrance Memorial Medical Center, Burn Center (2nd floor)
-Come between 1-8pm. The nurses have been flexible with the post 8pm visits, but we need to be mindful of other patients.
-Try to limit gifts. If you would like to bring gifts, we would suggest you get something practical for the nursing staff (i.e. chocolate, fruit basket, etc)
-While you're there - wash your hands, and continue to massage Keith's hands, arms, legs, toes...just be careful of the IV line which is now on his right hand. His left hand/arms/legs have been quite stiff and needs alot of massaging/stimulation.
-Read scripture to him, sing songs to him, joke around with him, pray with him

Finding other practical ways to help???
-Since I'm back in San Jose, I would really appreciate if anyone can help provide dinner meals for my parents, sister, and her two sons. Since my parents go straight to the hospital after work, they haven't had good meals, since we always packed a simple dinner to the hospital. If you would like to help in this way, you can contact me or call my sister Elaine at 213-448-3335.
-My sister needs help with her sons - ages 4 & 5 during M,W,F of this week only. Her husband and daughter will arrive to LA from Mexico this Friday evening.

Thank you thank you thank you for your support and prayers!


At 8:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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