stool test was negative
Keith's stool test result was negative. He is probably having diarrhea due to the continuous intake of antibiotics and possibly too much tube feeding.
He's making continuous improvement in his motor skills...but we are still waiting for him to fully wake up. Starting today, he started to take dexatrine, which is a stronger stimulant to wake him up. Let's continue to lift him up in our prayers so that he can get out of the hospital soon.
dear pastor keith
i really hope that u wake up
i really miss u at church... i cant wait to see you up on the stage giving a sermon on sunday mornings.
your sermons were great and i enjoyed them
your are a great pastor and you did so much for our high school minister. i will continue to pray for your recovery. pastor keith just know that the whole church loves you alot and is praying for you daily...
last sunday's there was a teacher's appreciation day thingy and it was fun.. we had food and presents and stuff... we prayed for you too. i hope that u could come to the retreat. ummm hope that you could read this and be happy.. my parents say that God really loves you.. and that you will be a great person of God. well gotta go. God loves you .... bye pastor keith
thank you for keeping us updated on his recovery i helps alot.. bye..
can you let me know your name??? we want keith to know who wrote this.
my name is sarah paek...
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