Saturday, January 01, 2005

Father's heart

I want to share with you an email from Kenny. Hope you don't mind sharing this with other people.

"I wanted to share an experience I just had with my daughter Ashley. Yeah, she's already 100 days old and looking forward to meeting you. Well, I took her for her first immunization shots about a month ago. It was so agonizing for me as a father to imagine the pain she would helplessly go through. As much as I knew that this experience was a necessary one, I also knew that the pain she would go through would be unbearably tough for me. It became all the tougher knowing that I would have to be the one to hold her down as the doctor administered the shots. As the doctor pierced her infant skin, Ashley wrenched out a cry and turned her teary eyes to me as if to say, "Why are you letting them do this to me?"

I'll tell you Keith. I broke into tears right at the moment. I wished I could tell her that it was all for her, but she wouldn't even understand. As much pain as she was going through, my pain was even deeper. The only consoling thought was that I knew my child would be stronger after this experience. Ashley might have a vague idea that her daddy loves her, but my love for her surpasses all her imagination.

Keith, God loves you so much that He needed to guide you through this experience so you would be that much stronger afterwards. You may have a vague idea that your Heavenly Daddy loves you, but His love for your surpasses your wildest imagination.

I'll leave you with my favorit A.W. Tozer quote, "He whome God will use greatly, He will hurt deeply."


At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Keith! I'm sooo glad that you're doing so much better & I'm sorry for not visiting you yet but I'm really gonna try! Anywayy, even though you're in the hospital..

Sae Hae Bohk Manee Bah Duh Sae Yo!

I hopee this new year is FULL of blessings & love & joy for you! You trulyy deserve it!

I just wanted to thank you for preparing suchh a great retreat for us. I think for alot of us, it was a retreat FULL of blessings & pastor James Han was A W E S O M E! I hope you'll be back @ church sooon! Love youu & God blesss<3

PS. that story is so..WOW<3 it's so truee..hope it gives you renewed strength, Pastor Keith! ajja ajja fighting! (:

- Connie

At 12:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Keith! wow it's 2005 already

First off..
Sae Hae Bohk Manee Bah Duh Sae Yo!

I hope 2005 is FULL of blessings & love & joy! You trulyy deserve it!

Also, thanks sooo much for the awesome retreat you prepared for us! I'm sorry you couldn't be there with us but there's a little "KP" on our sweaters for you! (: Pastor James Han was seriously AWESOME & wonderful & thank you soooo much for being able to get such a great guest speaker! I think for alot of us, this retreat was FULLLLL of blessings & surprises. Once again thankk you! I hope you'll be church sooon! (:

Still praying for you! God blessss<3

Oh & that story's so trueee..
I hope it gives you renewed strength & comfort!
Pastor Keith, ajja ajja fighting! =)

- Connie

At 12:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Keith! wow it's 2005 already!

First off..
Sae Hae Bohk Manee Bah Duh Sae Yo!

I hope 2005 is FULL of blessings & love & joy! You trulyy deserve it!

Also, thanks sooo much for the awesome retreat you prepared for us! I'm sorry you couldn't be there with us but there's a little "KP" on our sweaters for you! (: Pastor James Han was seriously AWESOME & wonderful & thank you soooo much for being able to get such a great guest speaker! I think for alot of us, this retreat was FULLLLL of blessings & surprises. Once again thankk you! I hope you'll be church sooon! (:

Still praying for you! God blessss<3

Oh & that story's so trueee..
I hope it gives you renewed strength & comfort!
Pastor Keith, ajja ajja fighting! =)

- Connie

At 12:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Pastor Keith! wow it's 2005 already

First off..
Sae Hae Bohk Manee Bah Duh Sae Yo!

I hope 2005 is FULL of blessings & love & joy! You trulyy deserve it!

Also, thanks sooo much for the awesome retreat you prepared for us! I'm sorry you couldn't be there with us but there's a little "KP" on our sweaters for you! (: Pastor James Han was seriously AWESOME & wonderful & thank you soooo much for being able to get such a great guest speaker! I think for alot of us, this retreat was FULLLLL of blessings & surprises. Once again thankk you! I hope you'll be church sooon! (:

Still praying for you! God blessss<3

Oh & that story's so trueee..
I hope it gives you renewed strength & comfort!
Pastor Keith, ajja ajja fighting! =)

- Connie

At 1:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Pastor Keith,
I stumbled across your site while reading others weblogs. I just wanted to let you know that it was nice to read your story entitled father's heart. I'm a catholic and i know that there are many times in life when our faith is put to the test. I've been very fortunate and haven't experienced severe faith testing, i've just always had the strong feeling in my heart that God was there. So thanks for posting the article, it helps when trying to understand the complexity of religion.

At 7:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoooops..Sorry about the 5 bajillion comments! It didn't show up the first time I did it, so I kept doing it & doing it! Heh -________-;;



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