Saturday, December 25, 2004

You are my son Keith

You are my son

Even through hardship and struggles...
when you find no strength to get up...

He comes in silence and holds my hand.
And he speaks to me

You are my son
I gave birth to you
You are my son
My beloved son

This song (roughly translated from Korean) sung by Keith's good friend Kwan Bum ministered to my brother on this Christmas day. Many tears flowed down all of our faces as we saw Keith crying so much. We can only imagine what his heart is going through. Many of his previous LACPC youth came to visit and made him laugh so much. Many of them couldn't hold back their tears as they saw their pastor sick on the hospital bed.

Today was a day full of laughter and tears. Keith laughed so much today that he got a headache! Thank God for tylenol! Too many visitors and too much stimulation - but we are so happy that he still has a beautiful smile to share with others. He was even more beautiful today because my husband shaved his beard and moustache (finally!).

Please continue to pray:
-Through therapy and time, he's improving everyday. Pray that Keith will regain his strength
-Pray for the nursing staff to be more proactive in taking care of Keith. Since the nurses rotate shifts regularly, many of them are not fully aware of Keith's situation - not being able to move and speak.
-Pray that the swelling of the brain will go away quickly so he can start to use his right eye and left side of his body.

If you are coming in a large group, please contact us (408-476-6858/626-533-2655). Keith is technically considered a patient in isolation. We asked for a private room because he got a MRSA (hospital acquired infection) at the burn center. The nurses are trying to create an environment where that will not happen again. Also, he was hosting visitors all day long today which really tired him out. For his sake and yours, we will once again monitor visitors. He needs to get good rest during the day and night to prevent aches in his body.



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