Tuesday, December 21, 2004

keep fighting Keith!

A new bed is getting ready for Keith at the TCU. We praise Jesus that a bed has opened up. He will be transfered sometime tomorrow. This afternoon, our niece and nephews went to see Uncle Keith after many weeks of just staying outside the hospital room. They sang a favorite family song to him, held his hand and prayed for him. My sister had to keep the visit short because they kept asking why Uncle Keith couldn't open his right eye, etc.

Let's keep praying that Keith will continue to fight hard...that his right eye will open and that he will receive therapy at the TCU well, so that he will eventually qualify for the acute rehab program. You need to be able to receive therapy for 3-5 hours/per day in order to qualify for this rehab. Hopefully we can transfer him to a hospital closer to the LA area.

Keith is finally watching TV now. He's able to watch with his left eye and change channels with his right hand...so, he's making a lot of improvement and is fighting hard. Keep praying.


At 4:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

내 영혼아 여호와를 송축하라 내 속에 있는 것들아 다 그 성호를 송축하라

내 영혼아 여호와를 송축하며 그 모든 은택을 잊지 말찌어다

저가 네 모든 죄악을 사하시며 네 모든 병을 고치시며

네 생명을 파멸에서 구속하시고 인자와 긍휼로 관을 씌우시며

좋은 것으로 네 소원을 만족케 하사 네 청춘으로 독수리 같이 새롭게 하시는도다

시편 103:1-5

Praise the LORD, O my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--

who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,

who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,

who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

Psalms 103:1-5


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