Friday, December 17, 2004

beautiful creation of God - my brother!

Around this time last year, the entire Park family was getting ready for a big trip to Colorado Springs. Yes, we were out of our minds. We drove two cars, with four little kids, and a pregnant me...through the rain, hail, and snow to Colorado Springs. I ONLY have wonderful memories of my family, especially my brother who is one of the MOST dependable people I know on this earth. He never said "no" to me...even when I asked him for allowance money when he was a poor seminary student. We were hoping to take another mini-vacation (more local) since we'll all reunite in December, then celebrate my brother's ordination in January...unfortunately, we won't need to travel far to be all together...just down the 110 South fwy to Torrance Hospital. We're just glad we'll all be together once again.


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