Thursday, December 16, 2004


Physical Therapy...
I am so thankful my sister Elaine is there with my brother. As she was training to be a nurse herself, she has become my brother's personal physical therapist. The physical therapist came by today and really challenged my brother to do certain things. We are so proud that Keith was able to stand up. He balanced himself by placing his hand on the therapist's shoulders...but he did not tremble, but stood still for a few seconds. Elaine has been challenging my brother's mind i.e. asking what is 1+1, then asking him to respond with his fingers. Continue to pray that his motor skills will be fine tuned, especially on the left side of his body. Pray that he will open his right eye.

Speech Therapy...
This is the main prayer request...that my brother will speak. Unfortunately, the timing of the speech therapist's visit today coincided with when Keith was in the operating room placing the tube into his stomach. Pray that there is no neurological damage that is causing the slowness of speech...

Pray that Keith will master the art of eating - good reflexes in swallowing and drinking, stomach to retain food, to digest well so that the feeding tube in his stomach will come out. Pray that there is no side effects of having the tube in his stomach.

We thank God that Dr. Murthy has been proactive in treating my brother to full recovery. He knows that the burn center is limited in their practice now, so he is planning to move Keith to another place for intensive physical/speech therapy.

When you visit...go beyond just massaging Keith. Challenge his mind to think, make him practice performing detailed movements with his arms/legs/hands/feet. Massage his eyes, make him practice sticking out his tongue...


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