Thursday, December 16, 2004

don't take it for granted

As I spoke with my mom today, she reminded me how we MUST be thankful for the things we take for granted - breathing, eating, drinking, opening your eyes, touching...
As we see our brother struggling to drink/eat well, in opening his eyes...we are reminded to thank God for the simplest things we take for granted.

What I shared at our church prayer meeting tonight...make this a prayer for Keith as he recovers. I shared that the last things in Keith's body that have not been healed/restored are: right eye, tongue/mouth (cannot speak yet), heel of his feet. It's no coincidence that these are the very things that the enemy is using to hinder Keith from full recovery...these are the essential things God wants to use for Keith to be an ambassador to the nations. Feet to go. Tongue to declare. Continue to intercede that God would raise up Keith - full regeneration of body, full regeneration of soul/spirit. That he will come out of this a stronger man of God.


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