Thursday, December 16, 2004

doctor talked with Keith in his dreams

Dr. Murthy had a dream yesterday that Keith and he were having a conversation about baseball. He said maybe this is fate and Santa Claus is giving the family a gift for Christmas...the gift of Keith getting up and about. We know this cannot be simply fate, but the powerful working of our awesome God.

Here's a few updates and prayer requests:

-Keith now has a tube directly into his stomach. The procedure took place this morning. Please pray that there would be NO side effects to this. Pray that he will continue to practice his swallowing so he can eat by himself soon and get the tube off.
-His right eye is slowly opening. His left eye pupil is more focused and functioning better.
-THe left side of his body is getting more fine-tuned...he is able to bend his left leg and move his left arm around.
-PRAY that Keith can be transferred to another hospital room soon. The burn unit is limited in their practice now. Since Keith is recovered as a "burn" patient, the transfer to another room will give him more medical attention he needs...the most important being physical therapy. Some training in physical therapy will be given to family members and other regular visitors, so that he can be receiving therapy all day long.
-Another MRI will be performed next week to make sure everything continues to be okay in his brain. Pray that the MRI results will no longer have swelling and spots in his brain.

Continue to pray that Keith will come home soon...and that he will be rid of diabetes forever.


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