Continue to pray for an opening in the Transitional Care Unit (TCU) at Torrance Hospital. This is a transitional rehab unit Keith will go to until he is ready for intensive rehab. Right now, there is availability in rooms with 4 patients, but the doctor is waiting for a bed to open up in a 2-person room. Unfortunately, there is no single rooms...
If you have time to visit Keith in the mornings, we really encourage that. Since the nursing care is no longer 1 on 1 in his new room, he is not getting the medical attention he needs. Since he cannot call the nurse or even speak, this has become quite a challenge. Since my sister's family cannot arrive to the hospital first thing in the morning (8am), we would like to encourage anyone who has time to be next to Keith in the mornings, to keep him company and to speak with the nurses for assistance. Thank YOU!
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