Saturday, December 18, 2004

Keith's love for his youth

Today, Keith really started to cry as he saw some of his youth from ANC. Although his ministry there just began late this summer, he truly has a heart for them as their pastor. I cannot imagine how much he longs to return and hang out with his kids...

ANC youth (and other students of Keith) - when you get a chance during this Christmas break, please come and visit him. I know many of you are speechless as you see your pastor in the hospital...I encourage you to come and talk about the good old days and even things you are dreaming of for the future. Please sing Christmas carols to him, read Scripture to him, and make him laugh. He cannot respond to you verbally, but he hears you and knows you love continue to encourage him so he can keep fighting for full recovery.

Please pray that he will be transfered to the subacute therapy program downstairs of Torrance Hospital by the beginning of the week, hopefully Monday.


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