preparing for rehab
We praise God that Keith is ready to begin rehab. Since he is not fully alert, he will be moved to a subacute rehab program early next week. This is located in the same hospital. Once he is moved, we will let people know. Once he becomes more alert and able to receive therapy 3-5 hours/day, he will be transferred to an acute rehab program. The location for this is still to be determined...we are considering moving to a closer hospital near our parents work/home.
In the meantime, let's continue to pray:
-that Keith will become more and fully alert to receive the occupational/physical/speech therapy he needs. Pray that he will get back into shape quickly and that there would no absolutely NO damage in any part of his body. I spoke with the therapy consultant/doctor today. She said that she's very hopeful for Keith's full recovery b/c he is still young and has been healthy.
-Continue to pray for full recovery on his heels and his back which is suffering from effects of lying around for such a long time.
-No more diabetes!!!
-also, pray that Keith will get the needed rest he needs at night and throughout the day. That he will be alert when the therapists come to work with him, and he'll be able to get good rest and be refreshed.
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