Sunday, December 19, 2004

christmas at the hospital...

This morning, as our church worshipped with many Christmas hymns, I grew very sad thinking my brother cannot celebrate Christmas as everyone else will, as he did all these past years...

...I do want to share one song that strengthened me when I first arrived to see my brother 4 weeks ago lying so still in the hospital, with the imitation skin all covering his bruised body...this was sung during worship at my parents' church...

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives

I praise Jesus today that JESUS LIVES!!! I praise Jesus that my brother's faith is not wavering even through all that he's gone...even through this period of silence when not even one word can be spoken. I thank God for the gift of Jesus. There is nothing to fear because Jesus holds the future of my brother and the resurrected Jesus is my brother's Savior and Sustainer and Deliverer.

Please continue to pray:
-An MRI will be performed sometime this upcoming week. We're praying there is absolutely no neurological damage as we are eagerly awaiting to hear words from my brother's mouth. Pray that he will speak soon.
-Pray for availability of space in the subacute rehab at Torrance Hospital. As of today, there is no room for him...the longer he stays in the burn unit, the longer he must wait to get started on more intensive physical/speech/occupational therapy.


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