Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Keith's faith loudly spoken in his silence...

Below is an excerpt of a letter from a good friend to my brother...we thank you Jesus that Keith is ministering to so many people even as he lays so still in the hospital bed...

"The past two times that I have seen you bound in your bed at the hospital, you have spoken to my heart more clearly then you ever had in all these years about God’s power, love, and faithfulness. And I am sure I am not the only one that feels this way. You have touched countless lives without knowing it. If you are worried that you can’t serve God because of your condition, be of good cheer because you are doing that this very moment.

God knows best and in His infinite wisdom, He thought it would be best to call my mother home early. I am at peace with that and I can’t wait until I see her again in heaven. However, there is a reason that He chose to preserve you here on earth a little while longer. It’s hard to imagine exactly what His plan is with our limited minds, but whatever it is, I know we’ll all be amazed. You will continuously be in my prayers and I look forward to the day when you are up and about. But in the meantime, Thank you Keith for showing us what true courage is and living out your faith loudly even through your silence."


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