Friday, December 24, 2004

neck pains

Keith has neck pains on his right and left side. Since he hasn't moved his neck around in a long time, it's all tensed up, so he's taking tylenol to relieve the pain.

My family came down from San Jose last night. When I saw my brother, I was so pleased to see him so handsome. My cousin who is an ER nurse visited yesterday and shaved his moustache and beard. His hair was nicely combed and he looked great. He has yet to open his right eye, but just from 2 weeks ago, his body seems more at peace and rested.

The therapists say that Keith is doing pretty continue to pray that through therapy he will get back into shape, that he will open his right eye, start to speak and eat.

We're hoping he can transfer to a private room. We are planning to put a request for that...please pray that he can be transfered for his sake and for his roommate's sake....especially as Keith has many visitors.

We praise God that Keith has not forgotten how to write. My brother-in-law asked Keith to write something...and he wrote "thanks". That's the first thing he thought of...we want to extend that same appreciation to all of you who are supporting him through your prayers and visits.


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