improving everyday!
We are proud that Keith is improving everyday.
The neurologist said that the #3 nerve in the brain which controls the opening of the right eyelid is recovering slowly. The damage was due to the sodium imbalance which seems to be causing the slowness of his motor skills, in particular the left side. The neurologist is very hopeful that in time, Keith will fully recovery.
The physical therapist also said that Keith performs better each day. We're truly thankful that the therapy he's receiving is slowly bringing a hopeful full recovery!
Today, the entire Park clan hung out together at the hospital. Keith finally got to hug his youngest niece Isabel. He held her hand and caressed her small cheeks. All the kids sang songs to Uncle Keith and gave him kisses. It was hard to leave him alone tonight, the eve of Christmas, but we trust the Lord continues to be His comfort and peace.
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