a chicken joke
Whoever sent the chicken joke, Keith had a really good laugh...here's the joke:
Q: How come the chicken did not cross the road to the other side?
A: Because Keith ate it!
Thank you all for sending your emails of love and encouragement. Keep sending them daily...Keith loves receiving them.
Here's an update:
-Keith is improving so much. He's able to lift his leg hand/arm so much better than yesterday. He's able to lift his left leg at least 45 degrees from the bed and bend it.
-Now that he's regaining his strength, he's been constantly kicking the bedsheet off of his body. He's scratching himself also.
-His neck is regaining a lot of strength. The level of pain is going down. He's able to move his head much better. Tonight, when the nurse asked him a question, he actually responded by shaking his head slowly. He's also able to lift his head from his pillow. Tonight, my dad said "keith, let's go eat KFC". Keith responded by trying to lift his head, move his legs to get out of bed.
-I teased my brother today by letting him suck on McDonald's french fry. He was literally trying to bite it down to eat it.
-His speech therapy is improving every day. He's working his muscles to begin talking again. Tonight, we heard a pretty good sound from his mouth.
Please pray:
-We discovered some red bumpy spots on his arms and legs. My mom said this looks similar the beginning stages of SJS. Keith said parts of the affected areas (mostly his forearm) is itchy. He did say that he did not experience itchiness with SJS...please pray that the red spots will disappear and that it is not another allergic reaction to something. The only new drug he began to take was dexadrine 7 days ago. We are praying Dr. Murthy will take a look at Keith tomorrow to determine what's going on.
-Regain of strength in entire body. Only when he's able to receive 3-5 hours of therapy will he qualify for acute rehab. Pray that this will happen soon.
-Pray that Keith will refrain himself from scratching his legs. The skin on the bottom portion of his legs and left forearm are still sensitive areas. Since it's healing, it's probably very itchy, so he's been scratching alot...
-Pray for God's continuous protection over Keith's heart and mind - that he'll continue to be filled with joy and peace. We cannot wait for Keith to start talking to let us know all that God has shown him.
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