Sunday, January 02, 2005

First Sunday of 2005...worship at the hospital

We held a family worship service surrounding Keith's bed. With mixed emotions of joy and tears, we gave thanks to God for the first Sunday of this new year. We are so proud of the tremendous progress Keith has made...but we join his desire to get out of the hospital bed to be with his youth at ANC, to sleep on his own bed once again, to eat real food, and especially to start speaking again. He expressed his desire to see more people visiting him. As he's getting bored at the hospital, having company allows time to pass quickly. So, we want to encourage you to take some time in your busy schedule to visit him or email him. This will allow him to keep fighting strong with an uplifted spirit. From M-F, he receives therapy during the morning and afternoon, which tires him out. However, on Sunday's and the majority of Saturday, he's just hanging out with not much to do. Let's continue to pray that God would protect Keith's heart to fight strong and be joyful in all circumstances. Pray for his speech to return quickly...that he'll get back on his feet fulfill God's purposes in his life as Christ's ambassador.


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