The Big winner of Scrabble

Keith played scrabbel with another therapist and patient. He was the big winner today. I encouraged him to go to the recreational room and spend time playing board games and watching movies. If you visit, please encourage him to get on his wheelchair (just call the nurse), take him to the recreational room and play a game of chess or something. We had a good laugh because one of the words he decided to spell was "anus"...funny!

"Pray for strength" was Keith's prayer request today. He feels himself getting stronger each day, but he knows that is what he needs to go back home and to church.
It was sad for us to say "goodbye" this afternoon. I had to return to San Jose, but my short trip to see my brother was so encouraging, yet full of tears as I was once again reminded of the reality of his condition. Our family has absolute trust that God has BIG plans in store for Keith. He does not simply choose anyone to walk such a path. Keith is His special servant...yet, the road to becoming such a chosen servant is not easy, but costly.
Please pray that Keith will continue to have the bigger, eternal perspective as he goes through his daily routines. Pray for protection of his heart, to fight strong and joyfully.
update on Keith's right eye:
There are two different opinions on Keith's eye, but only God knows. The primary doctor said that Keith's right eye will take a while to recover. However, he seemed definite that Keith will either be cross-eyed or see double. He suggested waiting 1-2 years to see how his eye stabilizes. AFter that period, the neuro-ophthalmologist can examine his eye and correct it.
Then, this afternoon, the ophthalmologist examined Keith's eye and is predicting 2-4 months for full recovery.
Pray that there will be absolutely NO DAMAGE to Keith's right eye...and that it will open completely!
Praise God for His faithfulness to you, Keith! Your daily recovery continues to amaze and encourage my family and church. It has truly been an encouragement to actually see God answering our prayers, point by point. Each time I check up on your updates, I am once again reminded of how God answers prayer and of how much He loves you. We continue to pray for you, knowing that each prayer SHALL be answered. It is so awesome partaking in your healing and recovery like this! We BELIEVE your eye will be completely fine. We BELIEVE you will recover wholly. Praise God!
Michelle Oak and family
P.S. I'm gonna have to challenge you to a game of Scrabble one day. I'm the self-proclaimed Queen of Scrabble!
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