Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Keith, the History Maker

(picture taken at a Mexico Mission trip last year)

It's been over 3 months now. Can you imagine yourself at the hospital for 3 long months??? I simply cannot. Even after I gave birth to two babies, I wanted to leave the hospital right away. I simply cannot imagine how Keith is enduring being bounded by the four stale walls of the hospital for this long. Only the grace of God is persevering him. He has his up and down moments, but overall, it's been an amazing testimony of God's favor upon Keith's life. His recovery has been amazing. Originally, the medical team predicted 7-10 days for skin to regenerate. God started to regenerate skin in less than 48 hours. It was predicted it would take 6-12 months for Keith to recover...after 3 months, Keith is able to eat, talk, walk, write, read, etc. We often forget what Keith actually went through...I have to reread old entries to remind myself that truly God saved my brother's life.

According to the speech therapist, Keith is doing great. We are worried (especially my mom) that Keith seems to be going backwards in his recovery...he's not able to eat or talk as well as before. However, all the therapists and neurologist shared that Keith is making remarkable progress.

Let's not forget to pray for our dear brother. I thank each of you for being so faithful in praying for him these past 3 months. I ask you continue to commit yourself as Keith's faithful intercessors - for his stay in the hospital and even for his future ministry. Besides praying for regaining of strength, pray for Keith's heart and mind, to stay focused on Jesus, not to grow discouraged or tired.

If you get a chance to visit, encourage him with your words and prayers. The therapist said that's the greatest therapy he can receive right now - motivation to keep fighting hard. Posted by Hello


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome! the updates are very encouraging, and we pray for Keith's strong recovery.

At 11:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when is the best time to visit keith?

At 11:41 PM, Blogger e.s.p.e.r.a.n.z.a said...

hello! i am Mona Kim from LACPC. i'm sorry i can not visit because i still haven't got my permit...^^ i'm glad to hear that Keith JDSN is doing better. i'll keep praying for you !!!!

At 11:55 PM, Blogger keithpark said...

Hospital visiting hours are 8:30-8:30pm...however, they are pretty flexible. Anytime is fine to visit. If you go in the mornings, you can be his cheerleader as he receives therapy. We all tend to perform better when there's an audience. If you go in the afternoon/evening, you can keep him company. Encourage him to talk and even bring some board games/cards to play with him.


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