second visit to ANC!
We praise God that Keith was able to attend his youth service again this morning. There were many complications regarding his short leave from the hospital. My mom actually left the hospital last night telling Keith that he won't be able to attend church today. So, early this morning, I contacted the hospital, reminding the nurses that going to church is therapeutic for him and has been authorized by his doctor. After an hour of waiting, I finally got a phone call from the hospital letting me know that Keith can go. We were all so overjoyed at the news! We know that Keith has been waiting all week long for another Sunday to come.
Keith has not been eating well the past few days. He's been having some problems swallowing. He said there's no pain, but he simply could not take in food. He kept salivating also. As a result, he was having a more difficult time speaking and was growing faint. This morning, the neurologist examined Keith and said that most patients have setbacks during their recovery. It's very normal. The neurologist said that Keith has been recovering so well and he does not worry about this small setup Keith is experiencing. We know that his surprise visit to church has given him new strength to keep fighting.
Please continue to pray:
-Keith to start eating problems swallowing
-Regaining of strength
-Right eye to open and function properly
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