so happy!!!
The nursing staff have commented to my mom that Keith has been so happy these days. We praise God that He continues to lift Keith's soul with His abounding joy. Keith is really determined to leave the hospital next week, so that's been giving him a lot of motiviation to fight hard. The exact date of his discharge has not been confirmed yet.
He's also taking walks outside of the hospital with his physical therapist. It must be so nice to see sunshine! This afternoon, the doctor will examine his stomach area and possibly take the feeding tube out. It hasn't been used for many many weeks now.
So, continue to pray for him and make your visits to the hospital before he leaves.
I am very happy for you all. It's good to hear that Keith's spirits have been lifted and he's very motivated. I cannot imagine how I would cope at a hopital bed away from the comforts of my own home for more than 3 month. I would be sooo homesick.
기훈, 정말 오래동안 잘 참아왔어... 대단하고 존경스러워. God Bless.
Love, Helen & Homin
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