I was so excited to see my brother today. I flew down with my baby Isabel and finally got to see my brother since early January. I was greeted by his huge smile and laughter. He just could not contain his joy when he got to see and touch his baby niece. I think he was happy to see me too =). We had many many laughs today. So good to see my brother talking, eating by himself and in such a good mood. This was the first time we actually had a conversation...!!!
Since early January, there are
so many improvements...it's truly a continuous miracle of God's amazing grace over Keith. A few things I've been encouraged by today (compared to his status in early Jan).
-Sit on his own with no problems.
-Eat and feed himself (although hospital food can get no worse!!)
-Able to control his bowel movements and call the nurse to help him walk to the bathroom
-With the help of the walker, he is able to stand up with no problems.
Continue to pray:
-there are still many scars on his legs - pray for complete recovery of skin with absolutely no scarring!
-For his speech to improve - to speak louder! He has to be preaching soon!
-Stable sugar level and pray for diabetes to be gone!
-Strength to keep fighting to come home soon.
Funny story: For all those who visited Keith while he was at the burn center, he has absolutely NO idea you came to visit. I mentioned many visitors that came by, and he had no clue! So, please come visit again, so he can definitely remember you came to see him at the hospital. I promise he will welcome you with a huge grin!