another sad day..
Keith shed many tears all day today as he said goodbye to sister Elaine and nephew Nathan. We often wish the family could live close to one another, but God has called us to different ministries around the world.
My parents want to share their thanks to all those who have visited Keith. We want to encourage you with specific requests when you visit from now on. The biggest thing he needs to work on is his speech. When you visit, make Keith talk. Don't let him respond with grunts, but with specific words. Also, if Keith is up to it, ask the RN if you can take Keith around the hospital in the wheelchair. The RN's and CPN's are allowed to move Keith in and out of the wheelchair, then you can walk him around, so he won't be confined to the hospital room all day long.
Another great news and prayer requests - pray that Keith will fight hard to gain enough strength to visit ANC next Sunday!!! The doctor said by next Sunday, he may have enough strength to get out of the hospital for 3-4 hours. What a treat for everyone. We wanted to keep this a surprise, but we covet your prayers that he will have enough strength and motivation to work towards that goal.