Happy New Year
Happy New Year!!!
We all prayed that Keith would be out of the hospital before the year 2005. But we know that all things work together for good. May be there are some unresolved issues or matters that God needs to take care of.
I had a talk with Dr. Genova, a Rehab consultant. She was very optimistic with Keith progress.
She projects that he will be ready for Acute Rehab in 2-3 weeks. He needs to build up his endurance level so that the therapists could increase the time in each session.
We were very concerned with nursing staff in the Transitional Care Unit. Some of the nurses were taking care of Keith without any knowledge of him. Some treated his stiff neck recklessly. We mentioned the concerns to doctors and head nurses. Thank God we are seeing some changes. Please pray that nurses would be more caring when taking care of Keith.
While I was driving to the hospital, my husband called me and informed me that Keith will share a room with someone. Keith was using the room all by himself because of the infection acquired in hopital. He should not share the room with someone. I found out that the patient also had infection acquired in hospital. So they had to put two together. However, he was scheduled to discharge this afternoon.
Prayer requests
1. Please pray for Keith heart. It is very discouraging to start a new year in bed. Pray that God would strengthen his heart.
2. Pray that he would have no medical problems so that he can concentrate on therapies.
3. Pray for his swallowing. We believe that he needs to be well fed to have strength for therapies. Although his nutritional level is above the normal, he needs some real food going into his tummy. As Sandy mentioned before, one needs more than 100 muscles to swallow.
4. Pray for doctors to make sound decisions.